From the owners and staff of the City Center Garden Market: Advice and Views on the practical implementation of a locally-based, sustainable, and healthy lifestyle.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Introducing . . .

PRACTICAL: "adapted or designed for actual use; useful."
(from ).

LOCOVORE: “Someone who exclusively (or at least primarily) eats foods from their local foodshed or a determined radius from their home (commonly either 100 or 250 miles, depending on location). By eating locally, most locavores hope to create a greater connection between themselves and their food sources, resist industrialized and processed foods, and support their local economy.”
(from ).

I’ve been thinking about the goal of our little Market in Conneaut, Ohio. When my husband and I opened it three years ago, we had grand ideas, but as with any dream, it was grounded by reality. There are limits to what can be obtained locally, but as much as possible, we get the foods offered in the Market from the north coast. What we can’t get locally, we try to obtain from local importers – like our loose-leaf tea supplier, and our locally-roasted coffee supplier.

So I decided on “The Practical Locovore” as the title for our blog. While we try to practice the locovore lifestyle, we do so in a practical way, with a few vices thrown in for good measure. With this blog, we will offer our strategies, advice and random thoughts on becoming a practical locovore. We hope you’ll find it as rewarding as we have!


  1. There is a great chocolate place in Burton/Middlefield area - Buckeye Chocolates. Is that an item for the store?

  2. That sounds like a good idea - we'll have to check into it. Thanks!


Share your strategies, voice your opinions (nicely;), ask your questions - we really want to hear what you think!