From the owners and staff of the City Center Garden Market: Advice and Views on the practical implementation of a locally-based, sustainable, and healthy lifestyle.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Finally . . . Ohio Sweet Corn

Ok, so maybe I jumped the gun just a little. The weather was kind of cold and wet, and we didn't get the local sweet corn in this past weekend. But . . . it'll be at the Market on Wednesday!!! I CANNOT WAIT!

There is just nothing like Ohio sweet corn. We've even had folks from the west coast, in town visiting relatives, stop in and ask if they could ship some home. They just don't grow sweet corn out there like we do here - at least that's what we hear. And I tend to believe it. My mouth is watering just thinking of my first bite of that crunchy, delicious sweetness ;)

So, in honor of the beginning of the sweet corn season here in Ohio, let's hear what your favorite ways to prepare and eat sweet corn are. Russ will just shuck it and eat it raw - which with fresh sweet corn is actually quite good (try it, really!). Personally, I like it boiled in hot water until it's crunchy tender (10 minutes, tops in already boiling water).

If I only have a couple ears left (definitely not enough for a package of frozen corn for my clan :) I'll cut it off the cob and add it to the endless container of salsa I keep in my fridge. I just love a good corn salsa. And if I'm feeling like I need a quick summer meal, add a can of drained/rinsed black beans. Healthy and yummy!

Anybody else like to share their favorite ideas for Ohio sweet corn? Please, share by leaving a comment!


  1. I like to cover my ears in butter, wrap in foil, and place on the grill.

  2. Love grilled corn! We usually soak the unhusked ears in ice water and grill, but I love the idea of adding butter. Yum!


Share your strategies, voice your opinions (nicely;), ask your questions - we really want to hear what you think!